Tag - school discipline

The Principal Always Rings Twice
The Queen Bee and Her Court

The Principal Always Rings Twice

What do parents and doctors have in common?  Call.  Which means we must have some sort of electronic gadget within easy reach (surgical attachment, anyone?) so the school or the sitter (or the hospital) can get ahold of us at a moment’s notice.  The only difference is parents must take this responsibility round the clock, not every third weekend or weekday (which, don’t get me wrong,  is plenty tough).   But like doctors, we parents can have a degree of superstition about how to ward off bad news delivered by phone.  For me, my mobile is always in my pocket or…

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The Queen Bee and Her Court

Is this merely a coincidence or just my hammer banging incessantly on everything in sight after I read Queen Bees and Wannabes?  Because I am really worried what will happen when I start the Hunger Games Trilogy… Oh, how the mighty fall.  It began with an uprising during recess and ended with a phone call from my daughter’s wonderful first-grade teacher.  It had been a rough week on the playground for my little Queen…as my daughter was anointed when the friendly game of “Princess”  began a week before.  Of course she was on top of the world in the starring role, using her “power”…

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