Let's Give Our Kids the World.

Hello World! (the sequel)


When my blog site was “born”, my first post, courtesy of WordPress, was “Hello World!”.  That statement wasn’t exactly my vision for an opening first line, but, inevitably, like this site, my vision will morph.  And morph it did,  into something completely different for my first actual post and the visuals to accompany it.   I chose this picture for my debut blog post because I love how it screams, “Hello World!”.   Taken by my husband while on a family hike, our son gazes up at Animas Mountain.  He seems so small, looking up in wonderment at the vastness above and below him.  A “hello” if you will, from him and directed out to this amazing place and all beyond it.  What is my son thinking?  He is eight, so, “Wow.”  is a good bet.  But could he be thinking, “Can I draw a picture of that big mountain?”  Likely, as he is a budding artist.  Or, “Can I climb it someday?”  “What does it look like from the top?”  “Will I be able to see my house?”  Or, “What is on the other side of the mountain?”  So many questions.  One young mind.

But let’s shift perspectives to that of a mother observing this little boy.  What might she be thinking?  “Does that little man have on sunscreen?”  “Where are his parents?”  “Good thing he is dressed in bright colors.”  “STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGE!!!”  Or, “Does he have his sketch book in his pack so he can draw a beautiful likeness of this scene?”  “He looks adventurous.”  These thoughts raced in rapid succession through my mind, reflexively so.  Then,  “Have I helped my son feel this world is his?  By expressing my love and support for him, does he believe he could scale this mountain if he wants?   Sketch a gallery-worthy drawing of the view from the top?”  Or have I, well, failed to give him that sense of “Hello World!” and the many possibilities open to him and he just wants to go home?  Have I, as his mother, helped my firstborn feel the world is his?

Such is the challenge of parenting.  Are we teaching our kids to take on life with a “Hello World!” attitude?  We in the parental role ask constantly wonder if we are guiding our children toward becoming upstanding, contributors of the world.  We hope we are giving them the best skills possible to tackle whatever life tosses their way.  What we teach our kids is lasting, building and expanding every day on what we taught the day before, and we hope we have started our children down the right “trail.”  Parenting is a momentous life path and  I hope with this blog I can share my (many) follies, foibles and thoughts on this journey we have in the privileged role as parents.

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