Archive - April 2020

How to Give Your Immunity a Boost
Teenagers: Can’t Live With ‘Em…But We Have To
Puzzles: the New American Pastime
Change is in the Air: Breathe it Deeply

How to Give Your Immunity a Boost

“My friend’s son has the chickenpox. So I’m taking my kids over to her house for a playdate.” Horrifying as that may sound, there was a time when parents made the effort to expose their offspring to this childhood disease. Some of us parents may remember Pox Parties, and may have even been a part of one. Parental urgency for children to contract the disease rose from the risk of complications that increased with age, and the desire to “get it over with,” among other concerns. Thus the rubbing of elbows with families with a literal pox on their houses….

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Teenagers: Can’t Live With ‘Em…But We Have To

Last fall made it official: My husband and I have three teenagers living under our roof. And given the current situation, they are living under our roof all the time, 24/7. But even though we’ve gone critical mass in teen town, my husband and I have been gradually inoculated with teen attitude since our daughter was five. Kind of like allergy shots, the steady exposure to strong opinions and determined independence have helped prepare us for the actual teen years. Not that we are fully immune and completely prepared for this phase of parenting, but we have made many observations,…

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Puzzles: the New American Pastime

No NBA. No Spring Training. No Olympics. In these sports-less times, let me propose a new competitive event surely to entice even the most ardent arm-chair athlete to participate: Puzzle launching. Yup. Puzzle. Launching. It’s quite simple. Put together a jigsaw puzzle on a dining table. Scoot it to one end of the table. And, with a running start and both hands placed on the puzzle, slide the thing across the table and launch it, seeing how far it will go before landing on the floor. Try to best yourself. This is not as crazy as it sounds. Because puzzle…

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Change is in the Air: Breathe it Deeply

This morning I woke up, wondering what to write about today. Should I ignore the elephant lurking in every corner of every room? That gray, wrinkled stalker that even follows us outside and causes us to jump to the other side of the road? Do we need to escape this pachydermal pest, even for a few minutes? But then again, it’s an elephant. In. da. house. It’s pretty darn hard to ignore. Especially when it casts its long shadow over every aspect of our lives, even over the mundane task of food procurement. And the elephant’s gotta eat, too. So…

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