The Extraordinary Life: a Recap

Back in January I began a series “10 Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life” based on a list my son brought home from art camp.  I would have loved to know how this “Extraordinary” list, from, was incorporated into camp but my tight-lipped boy, true-to-form, wasn’t forthcoming.  So I had to find my own inspiration to use these bits of sage advice in my own life.  Each month, January through October of 2018, I devoted time to exploring a tenet of living an extraordinary life and then blogged about my journey.  Here’s a recap of what I learned:

The Ten Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life

Pay Attention to find peace and to connect with others.

Be Grateful to cope, bond and get rid of negative thoughts.

Stop Comparing to better focus on our own goals.

Let Go to make memories and to find our potential.

Slow down to focus, engage and enjoy.

Make space to clear the mind and help those in need.

Admire small miracles to discover our amazing world.

Write it down to preserve memories.

Act like a tourist to appreciate the simple things, both great and small.

Be extraordinary or life will pass you by.

If I’ve learned anything from the Extraordinary exercise it’s this:  to live a meaningful, amazing life we don’t need to have money (or act like we do), travel around the world or accomplish what most others cannot.  Living extraordinarily means being in the moment, breathing in the fact that we are alive and finding happiness and contentment right where we are.  Because when you think about it, life itself is pretty darn incredible.

Live extraordinarily.

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