I’m Flying With Kids, Guess What’s in My Quart Ziploc Bag?
Over the holidays, we flew the friendly skies back to Iowa to visit family. Packing for a family of five is a real trip (pun intended!) and in the middle of this project, my husband and I had a conversation that went something like this: Hubby: How large a bottle of liquid can we take in our carry-on? Me: Um, I think 3 ounces. Why? Hubby: Well, these mini bar liquors say 50 ml. How many ounces is that? Me (doing some quick head-math): Let’s see…about 1.6 ounces. And you can have only one one-quart plastic bag for yourself. (thoughtful…
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Crazy! Especially on a flight of that length to not have complimentary drinks! I remember when I was a kid…